Monday, April 20, 2009

Not Everbody is a Fan of Tea!

Throughout this great country there are a thousand different ways to serve tea. In Boston, they serve it either hot or cold with a twist of cranberry, and in Texas it is served brewed by the sun and with a half of bag of refined sugar. Anywhere you go you can find a refreshing embibement made with Great Britain's national beverage. However, not everyone was enthused by the direction a group of concerned citizens decided to serve their T.E.A.

On April 15, 2009 over 750,000 Americans joined together under the title of a "T.E.A. party", and protested the tax and spend policies of the United States Government. Unlike what is being reported by the main stream media, both parties were the subject of the protester's ire. Ordinary Americans gathered with their fellow citizens, and with one voice demanded to be heard. How much more American can you get? Yet, those in both parties, embarrassed by the message behind the T.E.A. Parties, have lashed out at these patriots and have demeaned them every chance they get.

They have attacked the genuineness of the tea parties by claiming that they were organized by the GOP, and that these were anything but spontaneous. Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi called the "Astro-turf" representing that the Tea Parties were fake grassroots movements. If there was real organization, sponsored by the GOP, then why were there so many signs expressing frustration with the GOP? These protests were the real deal!

I was loosely part of the organization of the San Antonio T.E.A. Party, where Glenn Beck help orchestrate the entertainment, but the organization was completely grassroots. The people there were so paranoid of the appearance of not being grassroots, that anyone affiliated with a party or organization was kept at arms length. I know I was one of them. I did not attend because of financial reasons, but I did attend the Fort Worth T.E.A. Party.

The FW party was sponsored by the Tarrant County GOP, and going into it I thought I was going to a pep rally for the GOP; however, I was greatly surprised. Yes, Governor Perry and Rep. Joe Barton (TX-6) came and spoke, but neither of them talked about the GOP. They discussed Conservative principles, and rallied the crowd around these principles. The FW T.E.A. Party was a great experience!

Those on the left and right, who wish to disparage American citizens who speak out against them do themselves a disservice. They reveal their elitist and statist tendencies, and set themselves up to be taken out of the debate. They reveal through their vitriol and consternation that they support government that hinders freedom. They show that their ambition for greater power takes precedence over the will of the people. They also show their fear, that should this movement take root and spread, that they may be out of a job. I'm glad their scared, because scared people do two things: 1. Listen or 2. Make a mistake that takes them out of the equation.

The sentiments of April 15, 2009 are not a fleeting craze! Come November 2010, we may choose to demonstrate this by making a few changes of our own at the ballot box. Those in power or the media, who wish to ridicule and cast us aside, I believe, do so at their own risk.


kvaughn said...


I saw your twitter comment that the local 912 group had passed bylaws, etc. However, I was unable to link to the site ("Cannot find server"). I am the organizer of the northern virginia 912 group and am very interested in seeing how others are organizing and why (bylaws, 501c3 vs 527, etc) and this was the only way that I could figure out to contact you.

If you are interested in sharing info, please contact me through

Hope to hear back!

PS. I grew up in Texas and am still trying to get back!

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

This is my first visit here, but I will be back soon, because I really like the way you are writing, it is so simple and honest